Location: Novell House, One Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell RG12 1WA.
Type of contract: JCT 2016 Design and Build.
The atrium originally started life as an open-to-the-elements space with covered escape stairs discharging into it. The centre of the atrium was a planted Japanese-style garden with water features and an authentic bridge.
The works included stripping out the reception, undertaking a substantial package of temporary works, alongside structural and civils package.
For heavy plant and machinery to access the atrium, we completely removed the middle lift shaft on the ground floor and the remainder shaft was supported by a large cantilever steel structure which allowed a clear opening. We then removed all the Japanese-style elements. A suitable substrate was laid and a 6000ft2 concrete slab installed.
The disused lift shaft now channels air into the atrium from its own dedicated plant located on the roof. The existing building structure brickwork was removed allowing us to attach our structural steel frame prior to undertaking repairs to the brickwork. We framed out the steelwork to create the roof covering the atrium which ultimately ended up being glazed to allow the natural light back into the space below.
A raised access floor was installed over the concrete slab allowing the LVT floor finishes to be installed and the final joinery items. The joinery items created meeting spaces, seating booths and a “treehouse” coffee bar. To compliment the finishes the whole atrium benefited from live and faux biophilia.